D-Day Operation Neptune

D-Day, codenamed Operation Neptune, was marked by the coordination of over 13 different countries of the Allied forces converging towards Normandy in a 5000-vessel flotilla.

In the early hours of 6th June, 24,000 paratroopers landed behind Nazi lines to provide tactical support. Massive naval and aerial bombardments attempted to suppress the Nazi defences and weaponry. More than 130,000 ground troops advanced across the 50-mile stretch along the Normandy coast, the first waves facing the full force of the enemy’s defences.

The ensuing Battle of Normandy was to last into August and cost tens of thousands of lives as it defeated the occupying Nazi forces. It was a decisive success for the Allies and paved the way for the liberation of much of northwest Albert chatting with Wing Commander Europe.

Albert's Story

D-Day is very difficult to talk about. It wasn’t very nice – you could say that. We could see all the men trying to get ashore, not knowing what was waiting for them. All we could do was watch, hoping to defend as many of them as we possibly could. We understood the importance of what we were doing and why we had to do it. But it didn’t make it any better.